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Overwatch 2 developer live stream with of course zoe john aaron killer and jeff goodman uh kind of the figureheads of overwatch 2 the big dogs that are
making a sequel to the game and what was held in the live stream might disappoint a lot of people because they didn't really show anything they didn't show any gameplay they show any hero reworks they even talk about skins but what the point of the live stream was was to communicate with us that was the goal and they definitely achieved that while sprinkling in a couple of things here and there that people just had to pay attention to when they talked one of the things being that
the overwatch 2 beta will be officially released on april 26th when's the date april 26th that's that's our plan baby that's what i've been waiting for that's what it's all about and i'm hopefully assuming that'll be held in the year 2022 but on april 26 you will be able to play the overwatch two beta assuming that you're on pc we do want to include console players at a future point in our beta testing program and we're working toward doing that there you have it console players you're welcome uh now i already made a video explaining and kind of breaking the news to a lot of console players about this so if you're just hearing this for the first time um now that's not to say that overwatch 2 will be exclusively on pc because i know a lot of people will twist the words around and say that no the first
iteration of the overwatch 2 beta will only be on pc eventually console players will get access to an overwatch 2 beta just not on april 26th and while that sucks for console players once you understand the reason you can kind of like see why they have it exclusive to bc and it's because the point of the overwatch 2 beta is to constantly be updating it almost every single day if possible because the point of a beta is to change bugs change heroes rework things that require just constant
updates and when it comes to console whenever they're pushing out updates it can take weeks and even sometimes months to get it approved by microsoft sony and nintendo so if there's a game breaking bug that makes doomfist invincible that doomfist bug will be on console for weeks and people get so turned off by overwatch too it's all because well they pre-released the game that didn't get all the bugs tested out they want to confidently release it onto console without any game breaking bugs or glitches to make the community pissed off again that's not to say that console players won't get access to a beta eventually we just don't know when we only know april 26 is when pc players will be able to play
the overwatch 2 beta and what's gonna be in this beta well of course they've already kind of mentioned the new 5v5 format the new hero sword journey and even new hero reworks that involved doomfist and erisa which they kind of touched on in the live stream
Overwatch 2 Leaks
So before hand we saw a leak on the official overwatch league page that doofus might be a tank and they've confirmed that yeah doofus is gonna be reworked into a tank they didn't show any gameplay however they did mention a few abilities like how they're giving him a winston jump so the mobility aspect about doomfist is still going to be there while still making him feel like doomfist no longer will he be the cc machine that he once was one because that's the mindset going into overwatch 2 is that we're trying to eliminate all cc and a hero like doomfist he's built all around cc so to only give him mobility while still making him feel like a tank i i imagine they're just gonna be removing a lot of the annoying aspects like him gliding on rooftops and having diagonal punches you know things like that but while still being a protector but also kind of like a peeler in a sense kind of like winston like i mentioned before and in that same segment of making doomfist into a take they talked about their goal of trying to move as many heroes in the tank category and that makes sense because
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Well there's definitely a lack of tank heroes and also supporters but i do feel like it's a lot easier to rework a dps hero into a tank i mean it's not the easiest job but all you really got to do is increase their health pool and remove a lot of the dps aspects and have team protecting aspects and i want to know what dps here you guys think they should try to rework into a tank i mean a lot of people will suggest may because what we already saw may as a tank and one of the experimental updates but also because may isn't the most dps centric hero i mean she can get kills but mainly in just 1v1 scenarios she's not like genji or like soldier or ash that's just constantly putting out dps moving her into a tank want to be the biggest challenge to overcome so i wouldn't be surprised if they do come to conclusion by the time the beta comes out that she would be the next dps hero turned into a tank and the other hero reworked that they talked about was erisa they didn't talk too much about the nitty gritty and also the thought process behind it but mainly just mentioned that she now has a javelin ability so i feel like they're trying to and this just goes for a lot of tanks is that they're trying to have a lot of off tank abilities combined with main tank abilities and right now erisa is technically a main tank kind of it's so hard because it's not like she creates space but just creates a safe haven for a lot of the characters which is also kind of bad because that makes her a prime target and she also isn't the best off tank because she doesn't have a lot of dps output so a javelin i imagine is gonna do a lot of dps output because it's a freaking spear that is coming out of orissa we're just gonna have to see how orisa feels in the overwatch jubeta but we see that with a lot of tanks right now making either op tanks feel like main tanks and making main tanks uh feel a little bit more safer because they are a prime candidate being that they're their only tank on the field and at the front lines i mean they even described in the livestream in that it feels like a ping-pong match with the main tanks just kind of going back and forth with all the damage coming their way and overall those were kind of the main important things that they talked about in the live stream again they didn't showcase any gameplay it was just really a bunch of talking but that's what communication is like i feel like a lot of the younger audiences in the overwatch community doesn't understand that hey when you're in a relationship or in a business meeting or in a developer live stream you can't always get visual stimulations and gameplay it's a lot of just talking and planning and that's just what communication is at the end of the day so a lot of people will be upset and disappointed but i'd rather have that than two years of radio silence and two parts in the year have a bunch of gameplay and showcases of what they were working on i mean i've been on record before saying i'd rather them talk about their plans than for them to not talk to us at all and they literally did that so i got what i wanted you might not have gotten what you wanted but i mean you also want them to communicate with us too don't forget that you might want gameplay but that'll come eventually and when will that come on april 26th assuming that you're on pc and even in the live stream they mentioned how they haven't been communicating with us so they touched a lot about the issues that we've had as a community all thanks to not just me but the community as a whole everyone's been up in arms about the overwatch team not talking to us and so they did that they mentioned that they haven't been talking to us they talked to us and in the future that they plan to make more stuff like that so i imagine we're gonna get another developer update or live stream come april 26 more closer to the beta to remind people hey sign up for the beta and things like that they didn't really talk about how you got access to the beta other than just it being on pc they didn't talk about if it was going to be randomly selected if it was gonna be open to everybody my guess and this is not me giving you insider information it's just me guessing is that it will be open to everybody in the public because i think that's how it was beforehand in the overwatch one beta but then again it also was open to console players but that was before overwatch was even a thing just in the meantime make sure you sign up for the beta even if you're on console just it doesn't hurt to sign up for the beta make sure you're in it and hopefully it'll be open to everybody when it does come out on april 26th again april 26th that was the big major thing that they released to us and you know hey that that's something and communication which is always welcome but yeah guys let me know what you think about doomfist becoming a tank because i think that was the biggest thing that is open to discussion what heroes should be made into a tank if doom fist should even fit the tank category we're just gonna see how that works out but until april 26 i will see you guys later so i love you guys thank you guys for watching more overwatch and overwatch two videos to come and bye