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Top 10 New Games of 2022

Valorant Mobile Latest Leaks|Valorant Ps4|Valorant Mobile Release Date

yo what is going on guys so before we 
get into the valorant mobile news like I mentioned usually when i make pc videos i am not a pc gamer anyway we have some new valorant mobile info for you guys here today specifically valorant mobile of course and the last time we talked about valorant mobile we talked about how they were looking for some new hires they were they were hiring for some new positions at the company specifically for optimization of the current build of the game and we talked a little bit about how that was really good news because it meant that they had a working build and it meant that they were now looking for specific team members to actually help them optimize the game which could potentially mean that they were getting close to starting a testing phase whether it be alpha or beta wherever it may be since that video 

I also want to talk about that how a valorant pro team actually tweeted out an image that was very very interesting this valorant pro team specifically was like show us your iphone home screen or something like that and they showed theirs and they actually had a valorant mobile app in theirs so that was really interesting to see because this is the first time that we've ever really spotted the valorant mobile app out in the wild so it also confirms that riot does have a working build currently and they do have at least some of the valent pro teams over on pc and stuff testing out the game more likely than not they're testing it out to give them feedback on what works and what doesn't work and things like that so those are the two biggest things that we had in valor and mobile news in the last couple of months now we have some more news they are hiring for a bunch of new positions over at the santa monica studios so we're gonna go ahead and look at some of the job postings that they went ahead and posted that way we can talk a little bit about them and what exactly they might mean

so we have five new job postings that riot games went ahead and posted they're looking for specifically a senior game designer for mobile a researcher for mobile senior software engineer staff software engineer and a senior ux designer so they're looking for a bunch of positions to be filled over at their studio here in los angeles california and all of this is pertaining to valor this is not for any of their other games as you guys can see all of them mention valor and mobile in the specific job posting now one of those job postings that i want to highlight is that researcher position that they went ahead and mentioned i know for a fact that riot games does do in-person play test here in los angeles california i know this because i've been a part of them in the past when i was a little bit younger and so i know that they do frequently do in-game play tests where you basically go you sign an nda you can't really talk about what you're actually testing but you go and you test some upcoming 
project that they have in the works i 
know that they do this for a fact so i 
have a feeling that that researcher 
position is pertaining to the play 
testing i think that more likely than 
not they're getting ready to play test 
in person if they haven't already done 
so and they're looking for someone to lead that team that researcher position that they went ahead and posted that way they can go ahead and get the data that they need from in-person play tests i'm not saying that 100 that's what the researcher position is but if i had to guess based on previous experience and participating in play tests with other companies myself then that's what this probably is and then the other four job postings were pretty general they're looking for engineers they're looking for someone to work on the ui and stuf  that's usually what we see in these specific scenarios when we look at job postings and stuff listed but i wanted to highlight that researcher position because that was the only one that really stood out to me because it wasn't listed as an engineering field it was listed as an insight field and then on top of that from my personal experience like i already mentioned it sounds like more likely than not it's due to something related to play testing or something related to player feedback now if i had to guess when we will be getting the game or when we'll be able to test it in alpha or beta or something 
like that honestly i don't have any idea 
i thought it would have came by the end of this year but obviously it doesn't 
look like that's gonna happen so i think 
that more likely than not we can 
probably expect something in the first 
three to four months of 2022. i think we 
might see a closed beta or a closed 
alpha or something similar to that um 
and i think that more likely than not we 
will probably have the game by the 
summer of 2021. 
it's just really hard to tell because we don't have too much in-game information about valor mobile at the moment we've seen some supposed leaks when it comes to the ui we've seen some supposed leaks when it comes to gameplay in the shooting range but we haven't really 
seen anything official we don't have 
like an official trailer we don't have 
anything like that so i don't think it's 
too farfetched to say that in the next 
few months we might see some more 
information and stuff but unless riot 
games does like a surprise you know 
here's the game it's available now thing 
then i think more likely than not it's 
gonna be at least a few months until we 
actually see more about the game but 
whenever there is some new information 
whether it be leaks or official info i 
will definitely be posting it here on 
the channel so if you're interested in 
keeping up with that make sure you guys 
go ahead and subscribe 
but anyway that's gonna be it for this 
video hopefully you guys enjoyed it let 
me know what you guys think that 
researcher position is for down in the 
comments below i'm very interested in 
hearing your guys's thoughts as to what 
you think they're hiring for that's that 
specific position but anyway with all of 
that being said
