Horizon forbidden west Release Date|Leaks,trailer|Horizon forbidden west review

Horizon forbidden west Release Date|Leaks,trailer|Horizon forbidden west review

 Horizon: Forbidden West Trailer Reveals Character Played by Carrie-Anne Moss

It's here the story trailer for horizon forbidden west showcasing returning and brand new characters really cool fights like the amount of battles and cutscenes we can expect seems to be really impressive and the graphics of course look insane all captured on ps5 and we actually got a lot of extra details about everything we're seeing in the trailer thanks to interviews that popped up so i want to go over everything let's start with something that happens relatively early on in the game first things first we of course see aloy a lot in the shield weaver armor which makes sense as it's the most powerful armor from zero dawn but as you might have noticed the lights so likely the special protection is not working and we talked about it before how we might use the technology for the shield wing glider and what i now think is that even though the armor set becomes useless we still keep it in our inventory but it kind of functions the same as the outcast armor in zero dawn so that is basically useless because it stopped working doesn't have any mods but that would explain why they are using it in many parts of the trailer and maybe later on in the game when it makes sense to have a powerful armor like that we can get it to work again that would be awesome so while we know that the game doesn't start in the forbidden west at one point early on eloy wants to go to this location alone but aaron and faro are like no way we will go with you and we of course know these characters from zero dawn we actually also meet both of them pretty early on in the first game and bemikah the narrative director confirms that both aarons and varro will play a significant role in the sequel and are among aloy's first companions as she heads west worth mentioning is that both characters now have a focus which i'm sure they're going to explain in the sequel and we see kind of snippets of missions with these characters and even farrell later on with a beard so this could hint at a time jump somewhere in the story we got some extra shots of errands as he seems to be taking out a frost or fire claw looking at the mouth these machines were not confirmed for forbidden west yet your input is of course welcome in the comments down below i think it's one of those but yeah let me know if i'm right we totally see a rock breaker briefly with a surprise attack so good to know that these annoying machines will be back and for better west will overall have multiple surprise attack machines with the shell snapper that can become one with the environment the tight rippers that should be able to jump out of water when they spot us and the slither fang which can also dig and appear out of nowhere and if we look here in the distance it seems that we got three slitter fangs kind of poking each other so maybe they're hostile towards each other taking one out already seems like a big task let alone fighting three of them at the same time luckily cauldrons are of course back so aloy can try to override maybe one of them to have them fight alongside her and we actually got a good

look inside a new cauldron for i think 
the brand new pentaceratops type machine 
right if we zoom in like this we still 
have no name for it in this story 
trailer we did see it attack the utaru and we also got a pretty scary close-up revealing more details well in the tribes trailer we actually saw them help the uttaru maintain their fields so maybe that happens after we learn to override them in this new cauldron and i also think this a brand new flying machine that we see here very briefly it's a bed type creature from the looks of it looking at the wings like it's bigger than the sun wing and has a pretty different body compared to the storm bird so i think it's new but again your theories are more than welcome now let's go over the brand new characters there is really a ton to go over of course if you like the video so far then leaving a like on it would really help me out and totally subscribe for way 
more horizon for better west videos like 
this and you can by the way also still 
participate in my digital deluxe edition 
for the game by clicking the special 
link in the pinned comment in the 
amazing new artwork we see multiple characters but yes talana is strangely missing while she was actually in the first artwork released at the reveal of the game so yeah she's totally coming back we even saw her heavily featured in the first comic book and if you read that then you actually get some extra info about her role in the sequel although reading comic will not be necessary to of course understand what is going on now gamer.nell asked about\ romance options with some of these familiar characters or maybe some of the new ones that we'll touch on in a moment but guerilla games would not say if that was possible even though we will be spending more time with these characters compared to the first game so maybe it's something they don't want to talk about i think it would be weird if we did not 
have a romance option here and there we 
do at least know thanks to eurogamer 
that the empathic rational and 
confrontational choices from zerodon are 
back in forbidden west but there should 
also be real choices with impact maybe 
more so compared to the first game where 
there were like very little dialogue 
options that actually mattered so curious how it will shake out but i don't think there will be like multiple endings at least nothing is confirmed either way but i would be surprised if that's the case going back to the trailer because next to eloy we actually hear another character is the rule he's got a kotalo in the art we see him with the awesome claw weapons that i would love to use as alloy as well he's a veers and loyal warrior from the knock tribe the sky variant to be precise and a senior writer kathayn teased that his story is very personal and closely tied to alloy's own journey we see him throw a spear as well so i totally think that he's our guide to the conflict that is clearly going on between the tanakh tribes we also see and hear him during the machines trailer by the way we had recently and during the tribes trailer we heard a character who we now know as zou an utaru grave singer and this means that she will sing for people who are about to die to calm them she should have a tragic backstory but not much else is known similar to her cairo a chieftain of the tanakht he's also prominently featured on the artwork but i could not find more details about him so he's still kind of mysterious and then finally we see alpha who's from the still unknown tribe she should be brilliant curious but also unsure about herself and in the trailer we already see her with a focus maybe eloy gives it to her or she already has one the moment 
we meet her over her role in the tribe 
is to help interpret the ancient past so 
that something aloy will learn as she 
meets her and gets to know her and all 
of us by the way from that mysterious 
tribe they were teasing at the end of 
the recent trailer and i also hope that 
we get outfits inspired by that tribe because i love alva's outfits although i would not be surprised if we maybe already saw one right here but i could be wrong not all the characters are friendly of course we finally got a good look at one of the main villains regala who wants to kill everyone who wronged her which seems to be the tanakh tribe but your gamer mentions that she's actually angry with the karja tribe as well maybe because the red raids where the car jack pushed into the forbidden west killed a lot of people burned a lot of villages there at least seems to be a good reason why she is angry and i love her outfit with the wings that opened 
when jumping and moving and of course as 
with every cool npc melee weapon So the question is will Horizon forbidden be on pc So the Answer is "yes" I hope 
that alloy gets that cool blade gorilla 
games at least confirmed that there will 
totally be a boss fight against regala 
which is not surprising and speaking of 
weapons regala is getting help and that's likely why she's able to take revenge as expected silence is helping her by teaching her rebels how to override machines but there's of course something behind this we all know that silence has its own agenda and plan and a lot of that we're really excited for players to discover as they go through this journey but part of his plan does involve helping regala why he's actually doing that that's the mystery that we can't wait for players to find out but we will have to face even greater threats because both hevestos the rogue from the frozen wilds and hades are 
in the sequel so we will be encountering 
them and likely fight off a ton of 
combat focused machines they throw at us but we do have help because at the end of the trailer we see that gaia is back in some sort of form and is of course that created a loy based on its creator elizabeth sobek gorilla did not want to say much about it only that 
is indeed returning and that she's going 
to help eloy find a way to stop the blight and save the world but the biggest mystery is totally the lady we see at the end of the trailer her name is tilda she's being played by matrix actress carrie anne moss she looks super futuristic first of all is she real or not but i do think she fits the description of a wealthy person who would be part of the odyssey project this was next to project zero dawn another solution to save humanity by sending the world's wealthiest people to space and try and build a life from there but we were told 
in the first game that the project 
failed after it exploded but maybe they 
lied and it never really happened and 
that it did work and there are also 
theories that the scolding spear desert 
to knock out post is maybe the crash 
site of this project we've seen it in 
multiple trailers 
could be the case what we do know is 
that tilda is a mysterious and 
complicated character with a special 
connection to the ancient past contain 
assays she's someone who we look forward 
to players unraveling the secrets of 
what she's all about the dinner table is 
at least ready so seems like she wants 
to talk to aloy and of course again 
curious to hear your takes in the 
everything horizon forbidden west if you 
haven't already we're less than one 
month away a like on the video would of 
course really help me out and every 
monday i by the way stream zero dawn to 
prepare for forbidden west so i hope to 
see you there and in the meantime 
with way more 
details from recent trailers and 

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