
Showing posts from January, 2022

Horizon forbidden west Release Date|Leaks,trailer|Horizon forbidden west review

Horizon forbidden west Release Date|Leaks,trailer|Horizon forbidden west review   I t's here the story trailer for horizon  forbidden west showcasing returning and  brand new characters really cool fights  like the amount of battles and cutscenes  we can expect seems to be really  impressive and the graphics of course  look insane all captured on ps5 and we  actually got a lot of extra details  about everything we're seeing in the  trailer thanks to interviews that popped  up so i want to go over everything let's  start with something that happens  relatively early on in the game first  things first we of course see aloy a lot  in the shield weaver armor which makes  sense as it's the most powerful armor  from zero dawn but as you might have  noticed the lights so likely the special  protection is not working and we talked  about it before how we might use the  technology for the shi...

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Release date|Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Leaks

                                       Today i want to go over the description of all six of the classes for tiny tina's wonderlands and the only reason this is possible is because the last two classes were accidentally leaked on the wonderland's official website so we now have the descriptions for all six of the classes so first i'm going to go over the two leaked classes that were accidentally put up on the official "wonderland's" website that were only up for a short time and quickly taken down but someone did screenshot their descriptions so first off we have the graveborn grayborn Are death-touched acolytes who sacrifice health to unleash devastating dark magic attacks and become the phantasmal reaper of bones accompanied by their manic demilich companion devotees of death greatborn draw strength from the pain and passing of others growing in power as they send the souls of their ene...

Bully 2 New Leaks,Features,Story,Screenshot

G ame informer have released some  apparently never heard for information  about buddy 2 which they say was given  to them by multiple different developers  now just want to clarify this is not  about the recent 2021 rumors but rather  the original 2008 version that was in  development after scholarship edition's  release i'm not going to read the  article word for word i'm going to leave  that link in the description below but  i'm going to gloss over the important  information and features and stuff like  that alongside leaving my history 42  video in the description below  so let's get on to what game informer  have apparently stated so following the  release of grand theft auto 4 rockstar  wanted to make much more expensive and  prestigious releases something we know  with gta 5 and red dead redemption 2  with some extremely high budgets well  over i think it's 200 million i...