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Top 10 New Games of 2022


10 facts of "GTA TRILOGY DEFINITIV there are cheats.Now, you may or may not know about this.but one of the most fun things these old games have is just turning on cheats and going nuts.There's a ton of weird effects and things you can do on top of the more standard things like unlocking all weapons, spawning a powerful vehicle,giving yourself unlimited money, whatever.All the classic codes still workexactly the same as they did back in the day.If you're not used to doing them,

they can be a little difficult to input.

On consoles, you have to key in those button presses surprisingly fast,.so it may take a little practice to get them right.

But yeah, they're all here,and you can use them whenever you want for all three games in the trilogy.Just like in the original games,using cheats and then saving can possibly break your game,so beware.

A lot of the cheats in these games can't be turned off,and having certain ones on

will make trying to finish the game nearly impossible.

They also disable achievements when active,so any saved game that has any cheats applied to it will never be able to get any achievements.Even if you don't care about achievements,many of these cheats can possibly, like I said,break your game, so be careful with them is all I'm saying.At number 19,we're gonna talk about "GTA III" for a few points.There's some good stuff you can get right from the start in Portland on the first island.The better cars and weapons, don't start showing up until you get off the first island in "GTA III,"

but there are a few decent things you can get right from the start if you know where to look.Probably he best secret on the island is hidden behind Cipriani's restaurant up in Saint Mark's.Drive into the alley beside the building,and you'll find this health pickup.then you go to this narrow space between the buildings and fall down to find an AK-47 and some body armor.You can't normally buy these things until you unlock Staunton island,So getting access to a decent weapon and some armor can make some things a lot easier for these first few missions.Most of the cars around this first island are pretty crappy,Except for one of them.There's Banshee that always spawns

At the car dealership in Harwood,Which is in the northern part of the island.Justmash your wind into the showroom and take it.Like said, most of the cars in Portland suck,So having something decent early on can actually be really helpful.At number 18, you're stuck on one island at first,So you have to progress further through the game To unlock the other ones.One annoying part of these early 3D "GTA" games is that they lock off parts of the city until you get further.A good two-thirds of Liberty City is locked off until you complete certain missions to unlock them.Without spoilers, I'll just say what missions

You have to complete to unlock the first island.Lastequests is the final mission

for the Leone crime family,And completing it unlocks Staunton Island.To freely travel to the final island, Shoreside Vale,You have to the mission A Drop in the Ocean,which is the third mission you do for Donald Love.So if you want to be able to go everywhere in the game,You gotta do these missions before you can.

At number 17, beware angering the gangs.If there's anything you should know about "GTA III,it's probably this.At certain points of the story, gangs will turn on you.That means that these guys will start shooting the second they see you on their turf.Probably the biggest gang to turn on you is the Leone family, you know, the mob.They turn on you after you complete the mission Sayonara Salvatore,which is the first mission you get from Asuka Kasen,who is one of the Yakuza bosses.Now, the Yakuza will turn on you.after completing either The Pickup or Trial by Fire.What's worse is that any of the missions you still had left to do for the Yakuza become unavailable after they turn on you,so make sure to finish up what you have left these two are the big ones. A few other games get hostile as well,But these are definitely the worst.AtAtumber 16, complete any ambulance or firefighter missions before the gangs want to kill you.There's a number of little side jobsthat you can play to earn some extra money.Driving a paramedic truck lets you pick up injured people,take them to the hospital, stuff like that.Now, remember I said you gotta clean up some of the missions before you do those missionsthere gangs turn on you.It might be a good idea to do some of the jobs Like taxi driver, paramedic, firefighter, police missions,before all the gangs become angry at you as well,'cause these side jobs can actually unlock some pretty great rewards like health pickups So doing them can make things a lot easier for you.

Once half the city wants you dead, it becomes a lot harder.So if you're gonna do them, do them earlier.And at number 15, hookers can heal you past 100 health.The infamous, controversial "GTA" prostitutes got their start in "Grand Theft Auto,"even if actually using them is kind of confusing.It probably seems like a waste of time,but they can actually heal you up to a maximum of 125 hit points.From gta sa they have removed money cheat from gta sa cheats.That's 125 hit points for you At number 14 and they count towards the Rampage total,, you get money just for destroying cars.In a lot of ways,"Grand Theft Auto III" really feels like the 3D version of the original top-down "GTA" games,because one feature that's a definite holdover from those more arcade-style games is that just bumping into any car earns you money.Destroying cars gets you even more,so they're actually rewarding you for going on a rampage in this game.It's basically free money.At number 13 is a quick rampage tip.Anytime you find a rampage missionthat requires destroying a certain number of car,it can be really annoying.There's so many times where the mission timer just runs out because you couldn't find any cars around.To make it a lot easier to pull off,just get a two-star wanted level before starting a Rampage mission.So police cars will just continuously spawn,To pick one up, just drive up to them in a non-special vehicle.Stuff like ambulances, taxis, and police cars will not work.Keep that in mind.And just wait for them.They get in the car, and yeah.Most people online say you need to drive to a secluded area,But apparently, any locationthat quote-unquote kicks up dust will do.Stop the car.The car will start shaking to, you know,indicate the festivities have commenced,although if you actually look at the car,everybody's just sitting in it like normal,

so it makes the whole thing way easier.At number 12, just letting you know,we're gonna talk about "Vice City" for a few points now,but there's some really useful stuff near the Ocean View Hotel in Vice City.Now, this game starts off in the Ocean View Hoteli With basically nothing.

and just turn the game on and start shooting stuff,if that's how.I can't imagine anyone doing that, though.

07 There's an Uzi behind the Pay 'n' Spray on Ocean Beach,which is actually really easy to get to and incredibly useful.There's also some body armor you can find In the parking lot nearby.

Same location at the top of the stairs.

It requires a little walking, but pretty easy to find,and it's a spot you will pass by a lot early in the game.Now, you’re driving in the car — everything is perfect for a drive through the streets of Los Santos. A fiery helicopter shot through the trees, shining its bright lights across two massive residential district, finding you in what can be interpreted as the perfect place to go.

You’re in a beautiful neighbourhood, right? However, if you’re in the city of LA and want to head to the worst place in town — you have about as good of a chance of reaching a very dark, very dark place as you do actually driving home after a long day of partying and especially after drinking your best beer. Yeah, obviously.

Lara Croft, Rockstar Games’ feisty mercenary mercenary, is holding your attention — and you’re feeling like you’re getting ahead of yourself — while you meet off for adventure — business deals, anything you’re doing to become a man. You just told her you needed something, too. Where? She’s not thinking about anything else. It’s just you and her driving by the car as you talk about it — talk and drive. This isn’t a scene of Earth from when you first killed Rambo, and it’s certainly nowhere near the setting of the classic Tom Cruise movie "Mission: Impossible III" in which the protagonist, Ethan Hunt, cruises across the night streets of Mumbai, India — what a wonderful scenario that could be.

You take the unthinkable and turn it into a fun thing and a fun part of your new adventure.

Just like the music used to accompany rock and roll and the rousing orchestrations of the Kings of Leon hits and Night Ranger staples — but this is not Rock & Roll. It’s just a drive through Los Santos and, in what once seemed so idyllic, our main protagonist will most likely remember this place as a dark place —, now it has a darker history and a dark past. It’s always creepy being driven through a place that’s so familiar to you, but now you’re driving through that same place through the city, just the same as her character, John, and the same as a large number of musicians and artists have described their journeys in the world of the Black Rock Local West.

While you are by the car with all that stunning Los Santos style, you get out of the car at a place you never leave (pretty impressive for such a first ever attempt to try) and approach an alcove that lets you look under some beams of light and into a glass door in a mirror.

What’s here? Nothing!

Yeah, that’s pretty clear — but you hear someone behind you, right now you’re driving at night, just like most of the areas of the West Los Santos. You start to hear whispering on the floor. You’re next — it will make you jump and shout, or you’ll scream.

Now it’s time to jump.

Goodbye John!

Welcome to West LA! You are now in a city devoid of people and places. Empty and lifeless, just the kind of place that you’re going to want to enjoy yourself as a vigilante mercenary on the run from unscrupulous bankers. This Los Santos has bad potential. But who knows if that means more than we know at this moment?

What you’ll learn about your game in "GTA 6" is that it will be similar to "Rockstar Games Unreal Engine 4"; in short, it’s going to be a graphical marvel, akin to the latest consoles of the Playstation era, the latest Xbox One and the latest Playstation from Japan or the western region of France and Ukraine. It will certainly be something that will mesmerize you like the world of Gotham City in the "Batman Begins" movie was quite mesmerizing. It’s also the state of the worlds at Rockstar’s workshop and the EA Ranch in California. Though when you’re driving through the cities of the West LA, it’s much easier to understand that this world is not all that it is in Rockstar’s studio — that city has also a dark legacy, and we know where that story is set.

You’ll see a holographic display.

You’ll find a hub area.

Goodbye John!

Welcome to Los Santos. You are now in Los Santos.

You are now on the streets of Los Santos. You are now in West Los Santos. You are now on the streets of Los Santos.

Goodbye John!

Welcome to Los Santos. You are now in Los Santos.

Goodbye John!

Welcome to Los Santos. You are now in Los Santos.

In Case you missed the full story, here's what happened:

You find John ranting about
