
Showing posts from February, 2022

Apex legends mobile release date|apex legends mobile pre register|how to register apex legends mobile beta

Ladies and gents  apex legends mobile has been teasing us with  the word soon for some time now the game is now  called soon legends mobile welcome back ladies and    gents to another apex legends mobile news video  where i will be updating you on what's going on    and what we should be expecting a couple of days ago hitmarker which is a very popular employment  system actually tweeted out looking for an apex  legends mobile employee so the job title was a  project manager and everybody freaked out saying  project manager the game is not even going to be   here anytime soon but trust me we already know  because soon soon soon now following this job   they actually posted a load of new jobs for  the us and the chinese development studios   as you can see on screen right here there are  dozens in fact there are seven jobs including   the one i just showed you previously so...

Call of duty 2022 leaks|Call of duty 2022 release date|mw2 multiplayer remastered

Call of duty 2022 leaks|Call of duty 2022 release date|mw2 multiplayer remastered   Call of duty 2022 is officially confirmed we are only three days into february but we've already had confirmation from activision on who's creating this year's game and have alluded to some very exciting things coming with the game now of course it's a no-brainer that a new call of duty game is coming but getting an official confirmation this early into the year is absolutely unheard of and gives me the suspicion that we might learn a lot more about this year's game sooner than the august reveals that we've gotten used to we've got all the details so let me know what you think in the comment section below be sure to drop a like rating on the video for new call of duty news and let's jump into it some activision's quarterly investicle happened today and rather than a traditional phone call they just had a press release but within that press release they mentioned speci...